Fishy research confirms archerfish seeing clearer
( -- If you have ever looked up from the depths of the ocean, you will understand how difficult it can be to identify objects above the surface.
View ArticleCompetition puts the brakes on body evolution in island lizards
Millions of years before humans began battling it out over beachfront property, a similar phenomenon was unfolding in a diverse group of island lizards.
View ArticleChameleon model tries to explain the origin of dark energy
Scientists at DOE's Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory report new experimental constraints on a theoretical model that tries to explain the origin of dark energy, the mysterious force that...
View ArticleMagnetic chameleons: New displays that change color under the influence of...
Chinese researchers have created microscopic capsules that change color when a magnetic field is applied. When the capsules are collected into an array, magnetic fields can be used to create colored...
View ArticleChameleon's ballistic tongue inspires robotic manipulators
( -- Although the lungless salamander and some frog species have developed ballistic tongues, the chameleon's ballistic tongue is the fastest, the longest, and the one that can catch the...
View ArticleChameleon magnets: ability to switch magnets 'on' or 'off' could...
( -- What causes a magnet to be a magnet, and how can we control a magnet's behavior? These are the questions that University at Buffalo researcher Igor Zutic, a theoretical physicist, has...
View ArticleMadagascan community sets example of saving environment
With his hat pulled down low over his face, Mamy braved the autumnal winds and rain of the southern hemisphere to proudly point to a range of grey granite mountains in Madagascar.
View ArticleArcher fish hunt insects with water jet 6 times stronger than their muscular...
Archer fish knock their insect prey out of overhanging vegetation with a jet of water several times more powerful than the fish's muscles. New research now shows that the fish generate this power...
View ArticleOut of Africa: Chameleons migrated by sea
Chameleons took to the waves to migrate from Africa to Madagascar about 65 million years ago, said a study published on Wednesday that seeks to resolve a roiling biological debate.
View ArticleHow smart are your clothes? Researcher designs interactive electronic fabrics
From corsets to caftans, we have seen dramatic changes in popular style over the past 100 years. New research from Concordia University now brings the future of fashion into focus by taking a closer...
View ArticleHow do chameleons and other creatures change colour?
When most people think of colour change, they think of octopuses or chameleons – but the ability to rapidly change colour is surprisingly widespread.
View ArticleResearch suggests Madagascar no longer an evolutionary hotspot
Madagascar has long been known as a hotspot of biodiversity. Although it represents only one percent of the earth's area, it is home to about three percent of all animal and plant species on the...
View ArticleStudy shows male chameleons fighting prowess tied to color changing abilities
( —Two researchers from Arizona State University have found that male chameleons use their color changing abilities for far more than hiding from predators. In their paper published in the...
View ArticleChameleon: Cloud computing for computer science
Cloud computing has changed the way we work, the way we communicate online, even the way we relax at night with a movie. But even as "the cloud" starts to cross over into popular parlance, the full...
View ArticleChameleon reorganizes its nanocrystals to change colors
Many chameleons have the remarkable ability to exhibit complex and rapid color changes during social interactions. A collaboration of scientists within the Sections of Biology and Physics of the...
View ArticleA first step towards testing dark energy theories on the table top
Scientists from FOM and the VU University Amsterdam have designed an experiment to test a popular candidate theory that could explain the mechanisms behind dark energy. Now, they have reached an...
View Article11 new species come to light in Madagascar
Madagascar is home to extraordinary biodiversity, but in the past few decades, the island's forests and associated biodiversity have been under greater attack than ever. Rapid deforestation is...
View ArticleChameleons' eyes are not so independent
Famed for their ability to change colour, chameleons have yet another mind-boggling talent: their eyes appear to swivel completely independently. This means that they can simultaneously track two...
View ArticleChameleons' swiveling eyes not as independent as once thought
Well known among nature's best tricksters for their ability to change color to fit their background, chameleons have yet another talent up their lizardly sleeves – eyes that swivel around and appear to...
View ArticleHow the chameleon climbed to the top of the tree
The chameleon's exceptional tree-climbing ability is dependent on vital ball-and-socket joints in its wrists and ankles, according to research published in the open access journal BMC Evolutionary...
View ArticleA 'ghost from the past' recalls the infancy of the Milky Way
When our galaxy was born, around 13,000 million years ago, a plethora of clusters containing millions of stars emerged. But over time, they have been disappearing. However, hidden behind younger stars...
View ArticleTiniest chameleons deliver most powerful tongue-lashings
Chameleons are known for sticking their tongues out at the world fast and far, but until a new study by Brown University biologist Christopher Anderson, the true extent of this awesome capability had...
View ArticleDefending your computer from cyber-attacks, Sun Tzu style
We want our computers to perform the way we expect. But what if the key to defeating malware is introducing a bit of chaos?
View ArticleSingle no more: First females of a Madagascan chameleon described with modern...
The first females of a scarcely known chameleon species from Northeast Madagascar have been described. Because of lack of genetic data, X-ray micro-computed tomography scans of the chameleon's head...
View ArticleWelcome to the world: New chameleon emerges from wilds of Tanzania
WCS announced today that a team of scientists discovered a new species of chameleon in Tanzania.
View ArticleWorld's oldest chameleon found in amber fossil
About 100 million years ago an infant lizard's life was cut short when it crawled into a sticky situation.
View ArticleMathematicians propose model for the dynamics of the chameleon tongue
(—A small team of mathematicians with Oxford University and an engineer with Tufts University has together proposed a model to explain the dynamics of the chameleon tongue. In their paper...
View ArticleSlip of the tongue: Chameleon's sticky secret revealed
A stunningly efficient hunter, the chameleon relies on an impressive biological arsenal that includes colour-changing camouflage, panoramic vision, and lots of patience.
View ArticleReaching for the stormy cloud with Chameleon
Some scientists dream about big data. The dream bridges two divided realms. One realm holds lofty peaks of number-crunching scientific computation. Endless waves of big data analysis line the other...
View ArticleTeam discovers 3 chameleon species
University of Texas at El Paso doctoral candidate Daniel Hughes has discovered three new species of chameleons. The reptile trio, historically thought to be a single species, was found in different...
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